
Great ideas and human values


Innovations and Technologies

ESPLORA is an Italian web agency with a strong vocation in research, development and the implementation of public utility technologies and services. It is independent and enjoys full autonomy in corporate strategies and governance policies.

Its strengths are creativity and the ethical choice to reconcile great ideas and human values and not to condition its initiatives exclusively on profit logic.

High-profile skills and professionalism drive ESPLORA in its pursuit of ambitious and visionary social networking and multi-platform digital communication projects, while, never forgetting to keep reaching for the stars.


Presence and Reputation

Strategic communication

  • Institutional and corporate analysis.
  • Digital strategy.
  • Public utility services.
  • Cross-cultural communication.

Design and creativity

  • Brand identity.
  • Coordinated image and logo design.
  • Animations and multimedia formats.
  • Web and mobile design.

Mobile applications

  • iOS and Android app.
  • Progressive web wpp.
  • SMS manager engine.
  • Machine learning solutions.

Information technology

  • Cloud design.
  • Cross-platform technologies.
  • Server architectures.
  • Evolutionary maintenance.

Digital contents

  • Concept and e-contents production.
  • Creative storytelling.
  • Social media strategy.
  • Digital media marketing.

Web-based solutions

  • Database and storage systems.
  • Applications for dynamic contents.
  • Web management systems.
  • Mapping solutions.
Technologies for healthcare.


Put a Check to find your Love.


The first social network that starts talking when you have left.



Ethics and Communication


  • Dynamic knowledge tools.


  • State of the art technologies.


  • Universal web and mobile platforms.


  • Real-time contents on each device.


  • User's active communication.


  • All contents for all social media.
The art of communication is the language of leadership.

James Humes

Don’t waste time living someone else’s life. Stay hungry. Stay Foolish.

Steve Jobs

My life is my message.

Mahatma Ghandi

Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.


A different language is a different vision of life.

Federico Fellini

The ABC's are attitude, behavior and communication skills.

Gerald Chertavian

Trade is a communication of cultures and values.

Jack Ma

Language is a virus from outer space.

William S. Burroughs

Genius is the ability to put into effect what is on your mind.

F. Scott Fitzgerald


Strategies and Experiences

ESPLORA is above all a wealth of human resources, consisting of a team of young professionals born and bred in the age of digital communication who are, therefore, capable of skilfully blending energy and enthusiasm with consolidated and qualified experience and knowledge.

The creative flair and ambition to pursue independent initiatives of international relevance inspire the ESPLORA team in the construction of architectures and solutions driven by a deeply rooted cross-media culture and the sensitivity to embrace and anticipate social fashions and trends.

Technological innovation and strategic vision, based on shared ethical principles, coexist in the ESPLORA’s business model and are an inspiration and support in the pursuit of goals and objectives and in combining, time and again, great ideas and human values for effective digital communication.

Esplora S.r.l.

Via di Grotta Perfetta, 329
00142 Rome - Italy